Help Grow Access to the Garden image

Help Grow Access to the Garden

Create Solid Ground

$162,848 raised

$300,000 goal

/ 150


We need YOUR help improving access to Garden facilities.

Thanks to a generous grant from the Harold J. Miossi Charitable Trust, the areas surrounding the Education Center will be paved this Fall. The completion of concrete walkways and patios will provide greater access to the Oak Glen Pavilion, Children's Garden, restrooms, the Gift Shop, and Garden offices.

But that's not all! Pathways throughout the Garden are still difficult to traverse. We need additional funds to create beautiful and universally-accessible walkways and outdoor spaces.

By supporting this project, you help improve the experience and access for all visitors.

Link to tile order formWill you help? A gift of $250 will purchase a decorative tile that will be placed on the pathway to the Education Center. A gift of $500 will allow businesses and organizations to purchase a decorative tile with the option of including their pre-approved logo. Click on the tile to start designing your own today.

Tax-deductible contributions of every size play a vital role in growing a world-class garden focused on the five Mediterranean climate zones. For further details or to discuss other giving opportunities please email or call (805) 541-1400 x 303.


Major enhancements to the walkways and patios will allow people of all abilities to enjoy Garden offerings without getting stuck in the gravel surrounding the buildings.

Decorative, stable surface will replace approximately 10,000 square feet of existing gravel and decomposed granite. These areas include:

- front entrance pathway and main courtyard.
- rear courtyard with seating, and new donor recognition wall.
-new north patio event space, loading zone, and entrance to the Children’s Garden.